
Our Story

MAAYAN Fund is a student-led VC fund that will invest in exciting early-stage impact startups to strengthen the University’s ecosystem.

The first-of-its-kind fund in Israel, Maayan Fund will be managed by students from the Hebrew University Business School and will contribute to the school’s ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation.

The MAAYAN Fund will focus on investing in start-ups that aim to produce a measurable impact, operate in Jerusalem, and/or were established by HUJI alumni. Funding will be raised from investors who seek an opportunity to invest in unique start-ups, and to build a unique ecosystem at the Hebrew University.
The MAAYAN Fund will provide students with an extraordinary opportunity for hands-on experience in the rapidly growing impact investment sector. In addition to leveraging and strengthening relationships between students, entrepreneurs, and investors in the HUJI community.

Due to Maayan's unique environment inside The Hebrew University, there are incredible business opportunities in hands reach!

Our Impact

MAAYAN invests in businesses with a mission to improve life on earth, in accordance with the SDGs, using innovative technologies.

  • For the (Startup) world

    A sector agnostic fund with a focus on mission-driven start-ups. Relevant field of interest are FoodTech, AgTech, MedTech, BioTech, industry 4.0, EdTech etc.

  • For the HUJI Community

    Strengthening the alumni community, increasing capital supply for entrepreneurs, as well as providing a unique investment opportunities.

  • For the students

    A first-of-its-kind hands-on experience in impact VC Investing.

  • For HUJI and its Business School

    A groundbreaking platform for teaching that will create an effective ecosystem with social impact.

Our Team

Academic Team

Dr. Dan Marom

Dr. Dan Marom

Shir Kahanov

Shir Kahanov

Prof. Yigal Newman

Prof. Yigal Newman

MAAYAN Team 2024

Noam Sion

Noam Sion

Ben Tabuch

Ben Tabuch

Moshe Silberman

Moshe Silberman

Noam Spinrad

Noam Spinrad

Uriel Chepelinski

Uriel Chepelinski

Haim Berner

Haim Berner

Advisory Committee

Prof. Eugene Kandel

Prof. Eugene Kandel

Prof. Dan Galai

Prof. Dan Galai

Prof. Nicole Adler

Prof. Nicole Adler

What's New

We were thrilled to co-host a joint meetup at the Mt. Scopus campus with our partners, Arieli Capital. The event focused on fintech and impact investing, centering around Israel’s new regulations in open banking and payments. These regulations present exciting implications and opportunities for both the financial sector in general and the impact investing sector in particular.

During the meetup, a diverse group of regulators, entrepreneurs, and investors came together. Avital Krupnik from the Israel Securities Authority delivered a keynote address, emphasizing the benefits of open banking for financial decision-making and inclusivity. Eyal Moskal, EVP of Fintech at Arieli Capital, highlighted the efficiency and customer experience enhancements that open banking, open finance, and the open economy offer.

Students from MAAYAN Fund and the VC HUJI Club presented market research and showcased early-stage fintech startups led by Hebrew University graduates, demonstrating the vibrant and diverse deal flow within MAAYAN Fund. You can take a look at the Cheat Sheet they made about the fintech sector here.

The meetup concluded with a panel discussion that explored various aspects of the regulations, including technological implications and the chance to promote a more inclusive finance concerns. The expert panel, moderated by Shmuel (Shmulik) Ben-Tovim of קהילת החדשנות Fintech.IL, dissected open banking’s barriers and opportunities in the Israeli ecosystem. Fintech entrepreneurs and executives, including Yuval Samet (CEO of RiseUp IL), Hilla Ovil-Brenner (Partner at Arieli), Omer Nagar (Co-Founder and CEO at The Garage), Avital Krupnik (Deputy Manager at Israel Securities Authority), and Neria Nefesh (Business Analyst at Bank of Israel), stressed the importance of building customer trust and fostering partnerships.

The open banking revolution empowers consumers, businesses, and the economy through enhanced transparency and better asset management. This unique opportunity allows us to achieve both financial return and measured positive impact. We were privileged to shed light on this during the meetup and increase awareness among different players in the fintech ecosystem. Doing good while doing well is crucial, especially in times like these.



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